Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family, Loretta Lynn and her friends celebrate the 50 anniversary of the country star

On a farm in her green sponsored about 75 miles west of Nashville in Hurricane Mills, Tenn., sat down Country Music, Loretta Lynn code smiling in front of nearly 100 journalists, and peer music industry and the gathering of family members inside her daughter's coal mining company 18,000 square feet Museum.The Country Music Hall of Fame member to receive visitors on Friday evening (24 September) during the celebration happened to her 50 years in the country music industry. Drawing-hit first single, "I am a girl honky-tonk", in 1960, she broke ground for female songwriters and singer with a series of articles that do not forgotten, including the "pill", "You're not woman enough", "do not come home A'Drinkin '(with vin' on your mind), "" Rated X "," one on the road "and many others.

Literally written the story of her life and evidence of its legacy on the walls of a museum. Surrounding the awards, costumes, and memories of life, which began humbly and daughter of coal miner in 1934, in a hut of one room in the Scream Butcher, Kentucky, the mirror image of that very cabin is located inside the museum. "I think that staying on the ground, and you just do not forget where I came from," she told reporters during a press conference. "All I do is just close my eyes and I know where I am coming back to that little cabin of one room where I lived until I was 11 years old." All of the antiques and carefully put the document her journey - from her beginnings, her rise to the depositary at the end of the day to fame as a country music star. Almost every piece and placed under the handwritten note personally. The memorial is a knee-length turquoise dress, she wore when he made it big for the first time in 1960 Ole Opry and gown and pink parameter includes sequins glued to the hands of her late husband, Mooney, "du" Lin.
Recalling its performance in the early Aubrey, "she told reporters her husband spent much of his time in the lounge Orchid Tutsi and - bar across the alley from the Ryman Auditorium in downtown Nashville," When I started singing, and we go back to the Tutsi, "she said. "My husband and stayed in the Tutsi, while I sang in the first Aubrey Great, and when we get a break, and I go out there with him. Of course, you have coke while he was drinking what was to drink. God alone knows what it was. "he laughs, adding:" Tootsie was a good place to hang them back in the days. "


And multi-colored floral skirt bought Lin's father in her Holiday 16, along with many of the aprons by her mother, are also part of this show great. Red nightgown given to her by her friend, Patsy Cline, there, too. And close to the remnants of the left plane crash that ended the life of a tragic Klein in 1963. And lined the walls of the museum with artifacts from her biography, the daughter of coal miner, and pictures of Lin with famous actors, and musical symbols and the heads of the United States. And then there are many awards and plaques.My education, she met some of the stars, "adding," I got to see some of the important figures in country music. Not all so bright when approaching the real. I have had the opportunity to become close with Loretta, let me tell you, it's just as true at home as abroad. No one like you. "
Perhaps the song that brings to life this most honesty and realness of her soul can be found in the lines of "daughter of a coal mine in," a song Lin painting life in her own words. Melody CV boasts words, "Well, I was born the daughter of coal miner / in a hut on a hill in Butcher cry / we were poor, but we had a love / This one thing my father made sure of / He pushed coal to make one dollar a poor man." "I thought it's just another song of people talking about their lives," Lin insisted. "I did not think that any thing, but it was to crush and I am proud and I am proud to be the daughter of coal miner."

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