Thursday, September 23, 2010

Did anyone ever eat Lady Gaga

Whatever happened to that meat dress Lady Gaga wore to the VMAs?You might assume that the dress, made from a cut of meat known as " matambre" in the designer's home country of Argentina, would be headed for some sort of deep freeze. Otherwise, it would become a hostel for maggots. But you'd be wrong. The designer, Franc Fernandez, tells me the beef's true fate the Big Picture: Today's hot photos. "The dress will go through a process where it becomes a sort of 'jerky' and will be archived.
No, Mr. Fernandez, seriously, thank you — for sharing this. And for making sure that Gaga's meat ensemble does not become a hotel for elitist maggots, and instead becomes, simply, beef jerky.Designer Franc Fernandez has told E! Online that the dress will go through a "type of process where it becomes a sort of 'jerky' and will be archived". Jerky is meat which has been cut up, trimmed of fat, marinated and either dried or smoked.
Fernandez told MTV Style that he bought 50 pounds of meat to create the dress and worked on the design for over three days. The dress had to be refrigerated in between work being carried out on it. He said the meat dries out rather than rotting adding "But it shouldn't be worn again."He continued "There's not going to be meat dresses in the future. This was made for a specific purpose. It's what it is."

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